This exercise is meant to daily increase your ability to use more advanced English words, especially in an academic setting. […]
Maxwell Gustafson, “Essential Oils” Kellie May, “Corporate Social Responsibility” Allie Marcom, “Best Buddies International” Nia Myrthil, “Britain’s Modern Queen” Mary […]
1st Place: Bryce Vickers, “The Great Pyramid: Electrical Power Plant” 2nd Place: Chloe Pigue, “Ayahuasca” 3rd Place: Corey Spurling, “The […]
Art The Smithsonian The Toledo Museum of Art The National Gallery of Art Biology NSF (National Science Foundation) Biological […]
How should I deliver my speech? In delivering any style of speech, you want to practice effective, intentional use of […]
Sometimes, especially for a public speaking class, you are required to inform or persuade your audience regarding a particular topic. […]
Before you speak, talk to authority figures or event planners to determine the following: What is a good length for […]
Audience analysis allows you to make decisions about your topic and how you will present it by considering your current audience’s […]
Every speaking situation fulfills some sort of professional, social, or relational function, and that function determines what is or is […]
*If you are speaking for a class and your instructor has given you guidelines or examples for organizing your speech […]
The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.